

At Casco Images, we take the safeguarding of intellectual property rights very seriously. Our patents, designs, trademarks, and other distinctive symbols featured on our website are fortified by a network of national and international legal protections.

In alignment with the principles laid out in the Casco Images General Terms and Conditions, it’s essential to emphasize that any replication, duplication, or utilization of our patents, designs, trademarks, or any materials exhibited on our website—comprising all integral components—demands explicit written authorization from us. This prohibition extends to symbols resembling our trademarks.

In the event that you come across websites owned by our customers and hosted by Casco Images, which potentially violate our stipulated Terms and Conditions or infringe upon the agreements stated in the Websites Services Member Agreement—potentially due to the unapproved incorporation of your copyrighted content or trademark—you hold the capability to notify us of such cases.

Casco Images remains committed to upholding the integrity of intellectual property rights and encourages collaboration to ensure a fair and respectful digital environment for all stakeholders.

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